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LP3983HAB5F 600mA超低噪音超快CMOS LDO稳压器_微源现货

文章出处: 人气:发表时间:2023-11-23 17:41
The LP3983HAB5F is designed for portable RF and wireless applications with demanding performance and space requirements.The LP3983HAB5F performance is optimized for battery-powered systems to deliver ultra low noise and low quiescent current.Regulator ground current increases only slightly in dropout,further prolonging the battery life.The LP3983HAB5F also works with low-ESR ceramic capacitors,reducing the amount of board space necessary for power applications,critical in hand-held wireless devices.
The LP3983HAB5F consumes less than 0.01µA in shutdown mode and has fast turn-on time less than 50µs.The other features include ultra low dropout voltage,high feedback accuracy,current limiting protection,and high ripple rejection ratio.It is available in the 5-lead of SOT23-5 and SOT89-5 packages.

•Ultra-Low-Noise for RF Application
•2.2V-6V Input Voltage Range
•Low Dropout:420mV 600mA
•600mA Output Current,750mA Peak Current
•High PSRR:-70dB at 217Hz
•<0.01uA Standby Current When Shutdown
•Ultra-Fast Response in Line/Load transient
•Current Limiting and Thermal ShutdownProtection.
•Portable Media Players/MP3 players
•Cellular and Smart mobile phone
•LCD/DSC Sensor
•Wireless Card。
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