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文章出处: 人气:发表时间:2023-11-08 14:21
  The TP1512-SR/TP1512-VR family includes CMOS single/dual/quad op-amps with low offset,stable high-frequency response,low power,low supply voltage,and rail-torail inputs and outputs.This family incorporates 3PEAK’s proprietary and patented design techniques to achieve the best-in-class performance among all micro-power CMOS amplifiers in its power class.
  The TP1512-SR/TP1512-VR family can be used as plug-in replacements for many commercially available op-amps to reduce power and improve input/output range and performance.TP1512-SR/TP1512-VR family is unity-gain stable with any capacitive load with a constant 150 kHz GBWP,0.09 V/μs slew rate while consuming only 4μA of quiescent current per amplifier.Analog trim and calibration routine reduce input offset voltage to below 3.0 mV,and proprietary precision temperature compensation technique makes offset voltage temperature drift at 0.6μV/°C.Beyond the rails input and rail-to-rail output characteristics allow the full power-supply voltage to be used for signal range.
  This combination of features makes the TP1512-SR/TP1512-VR OPA an ideal choice for battery-powered applications because the TP1512-SR/TP1512-VR family minimizes errors due to power supply voltage variations over the lifetime of the battery and maintains high CMRR even for a railto-rail input op-amp.Battery current monitors,consumer devices,handheld instrumentation,remote battery-powered sensors,hazard detection(for example,smoke,fire,and gas),and patient monitors can benefit from the features of the TP1512-SR/TP1512-VR op-amps.

  TP1512-SR/TP1512-VR Features:
  •Stable 150 kHz GBWP
  •0.09 V/μs Slew Rate
  •Only 4μA of Supply Current per Amplifier
  •Unity Gain Stable
  •Offset Voltage:3.0 mV Maximum
  •Offset Voltage Temperature Drift:0.6μV/°C
  •Input Bias Current:1 pA Typical
  •High CMRR/PSRR:110 dB
  •No Phase Reversal for Overdriven Inputs
  •Beyond the Rails Input Common-Mode Range
  •Outputs Swing to within 5 mV of Each Rail
  •Single+2.1 V to+6.0 V Supply Voltage Range
  •–40°C to 125°C Operation Range
  TP1512-SR/TP1512-VR Applications:
  •Sensor Conditioning
  •Battery Current Sensing
  •IR thermometers
  •Digital Scales
  •Automotive Keyless Entry
  •Toll Booth Tags
  •Data Acquisition Equipment
  •Battery or Solar Powered Systems
  •Active Filters,ASIC Input or Output Amplifier
  •Portable Instruments
  Typical Application Circuit:

  思瑞浦微电子科技(苏州)股份有限公司(英文:3PEAK INCORPORATED,股票代码:688536),公司始终坚持研发高性能、高质量和高可靠性的集成电路产品,包括信号链模拟芯片、电源管理模拟芯片和数模混合模拟前端,并逐渐融合嵌入式处理器,为客户提供全方面的解决方案。其应用范围涵盖信息通讯、工业控制、监控安全、医疗健康、仪器仪表、新能源和汽车等众多领域。
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