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TPA9361 Precision Difference Amplifier

文章出处: 人气:发表时间:2023-08-27 21:17
  The TPA9361 is general-purpose,unity-gain difference amplifiers intended for precision signal conditioning.The onchip resistors are trimmed for excellent gain accuracy and high CMRR.It has extremely low gain drift at operated temperature range.It also provides exceptional common-mode rejection ratio(100 dB typical)and high bandwidth while amplifying signals well beyond the supply rails.The common-mode range of the amplifiers extends to almost double the supply voltage,making these amplifiers ideal for single-supply applications that require a high common-mode voltage range.
  -Supply Voltage:4.5V to 36V
  -Offset Voltage:±300μV Maximum
  -Gain Error:0.05%Maximum
  -Bandwidth:3MHz,Slew Rate:5V/μs
  -EMI Enhancement
  -Over-Temperature Protection
  -–40°C to 125°C Operation Temperature Range
  -Industrial control
  -Building block for precision amplifier circuit
此文关键字:TPA9361 Precision Difference A
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