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TLV700 Low-Dropout Linear Regulator-3peak

文章出处: 人气:发表时间:2023-08-27 21:14

The TLV700 series products are high performance and low dropout linear regulators.The TLV700 series products support maximum 500 mA output current with low quiescent current and high PSRR.

  The TLV700 series products is stable with ceramicoutput capacitor from 2.2μF to 10μF.

  The TLV700 series products have a high PSRR with 60 dB at 1 KHz.This feature makes TLV700 series products very suitable for power-sensitive applications with high noise from previous stage power supply.As low as 50μA quiescent current and shutdown current makes the TLV700 series products ideal choices for portable devices with battery power supply.Currentlimit foldback and thermal overload protection circuits improves the reliability under heavy load conditions.

  The TLV700 series products provide several output voltage version options including fixed version and adjustable version with±2%output voltage accuracy over operating conditions.

  The TLV700 series products are guaranteed over operating temperature range from–40°C to+85°C.


  -Input Voltage Range:2.5 V to 5.5 V

  -Output Voltage Options:

  ◆Fixed Voltage:1.2 V,1.5V,1.8 V,2.5 V,2.8 V,3 V,

  and 3.3 V

  ◆Adjustable Voltage:0.8 V to 5 V

  -±2%Output Accuracy Through Operating Conditions

  -Maximum Output Current:500 mA

  -Low Dropout Voltage:500 mV Max at 500 mA

  -Low Quiescent Current and Shutdown Current

  -Foldback Current Limit and Thermal Protection

  -Stable with 2.2μF Ceramic Capacitor

  -Soft-start Limits Input Current Surge During Enable

  -Thermal Shutdown Protection

  -Junction Temperature Range:−40°C to+125°C

  -SOT23-5 Package


  -Handheld Devices with Battery Power Supply

  -Video Surveillance

  -Wireless and IoT modules

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