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3PA1030 Complete 10-Bit,50MSPS,CMOS Analog-to-Digital Conver

文章出处: 人气:发表时间:2023-09-12 14:48
  The 3PA1030 is a monolithic,single supply,10-Bit,50 MSPS analog-to-digital converter with an on-chip sample-and-hold amplifier and voltage reference.The 3PA1030 uses multi-stage differential pipeline architecture at 50 MSPS data rates and guarantees no missing codes over the full operating temperature range.The input of the 3PA1030 has been designed to ease the development of both imaging and communications systems.The user can select a variety of input ranges and offsets and can drive the input either single-ended or differentially.The sample and hold(SHA)amplifier is equally suited for both multiplexed systems that switch full-scale voltage levels in successive channels and sampling single channel inputs at frequencies up to and beyond the Nyquist rate.AC coupled input signals can be shifted to a predetermined level,with an on-board 3PEAK proprietary clamp circuit.The dynamic performance is excellent.The 3PA1030 has an onboard programmable reference.An external reference can also be chosen to suit the dc accuracy and temperature drift requirements of the application.A single clock input is used to control all internal conversion cycles.The digital output data is presented in straight binary output format.An out-of-range(OTR)signal indicates an overflow condition which can be used with the most significant bit to determine low or high overflow.The 3PA1030 can operate with a supply ranging from+2.7 V to+5.5 V,ideally suiting it for low power operation in high speed applications.The 3PA1030 is specified over the industrial(–40°C to+85°C)temperature range.
  -CMOS 10-Bit,50 MSPS Sampling A/D Converter
  -Configurable Input:Single-Ended or Differential
  -Differential Nonlinearity:0.3 LSB
  -Three State Outputs
  -Out of Range Indicator
  -Built In Clamp Function(DC Restore)
  -Adjustable On Chip Voltage Reference
  -IF Under sampling to 135 MHz
  -Power Dissipation:84 mW(3 V Supply)
  -Power Down(Sleep)Mode:10W
  -Operation Between+2.7 V and+5.5V Supply
  -Green,28-Lead TSSOP Package
  -Pin Compatible with THS1030,AD9200 and AD876 Family
  -Low Power:The 3PA1030 speed is 50MSPS but only
  consumes 84 mW on a 3 V supply.In sleep mode,power is
  reduced to 10W.
  -Pin Compatible with THS1030/TLC876/AD9200/AD876:
  The 3PA1030 allows older designs to migrate to higher speed
  and lower supply voltages.
  -100 MHz On-board Sample-and-Hold:The versatile SHA
  input can be configured for either single ended or differential
  -Out-of-Range Indicator:The OTR output bit indicates when
  the input signal is beyond the 3PA1030’s input range.
  -Built-In Clamp Function:Allows dc restoration of video
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