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TP5531U-TR 1.8V,42μA,RRIO,Zero Drift Op-amps

文章出处: 人气:发表时间:2023-09-09 20:57
  ​The 3PEAK TP5531/2/4 low-power chopper stabilized operational amplifiers provide input offset voltage correction for very low offset and offset drift over time and temperature.The devices operate with a single supply voltage as low as 1.8V,while drawing 42μA per amplifier of quiescent current with a gain bandwidth product of 350kHz.They are unity gain stable,have no 1/f noise,have good Power Supply Rejection Ratio(PSRR)and Common Mode Rejection Ratio(CMRR),and feature railto-rail input and output swing.The devices were designed using an advanced CMOS process.The TP5531(single version)is available in SC70-5,SOT23-5 and SO-8 packages.The TP5532(dual version)is offered in MSOP-8 and SO-8 package.The TP5534(quad version)is available in TSSOP-14 and SOIC-14 package.All versions are specified for operation from-40°C to 125°C.
  -ZERO DRIFT:0.008µV/°C
  -0.1Hz to 10Hz Noise:1.1µVPP
  -Low Supply Current:42µA per Amplifier
  -Bandwidth:350 kHz
  -Slew Rate:0.16 V/μs
  -High Gain,130 dB High CMRR and PSRR
  -Rail-to-rail Input and Output Swing
  -–40°C to 125°C Operation Range
  -Small Packages:SC70 and SOT23(TP5531)
  -Transducer Amplifier
  -Bidirectional Current Sense
  -DC Offset Correction
  -Temperature Measurement
  -Remote Located Sensors
  -Battery-Powered Instruments
  -Electronic Weigh Scales
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