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LP102B6F USB DCP控制IC_LP102B6F数据手册_微源现货

文章出处: 人气:发表时间:2023-11-26 20:44
The LP102B6F is a USB Dedicated Charging Port controller.The feature monitors USB D+/D-data line's signal,and automatically adjusts output voltage of power source output to optimize charge time.The LP102B6F was supported USB Battery Charging Specification Revision 1.2(BC1.2),DCP apply the 2.7V operation function for Divider 3 mode.
Other features include under-voltage lockout(UVLO).The LP102B6F is available in a space saving SOT23-6 package.

•Power consumption below 1mW 5 V
•Support USB BC1.2
•Support Short Mode per ChineseTelecommunication Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009
•Divide3 DCP,apply D+/D-is 2.7V/2.7V
•Support USB DCP 1.2V on Data Line
•Under-Voltage Protection
•Available in SOT23-6
•RoHS Compliant and Halogen Free.
•Battery Charge Port
•USB Dedicated Charging Port

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